International students can seek financial assistance from Lafayette College by submitting a CSS Profile. The CSS Profile is a financial aid application used for determining demonstrated need for institutional need-based grants. The CSS Profile provides colleges and universities with a comprehensive look at an applicant’s financial background, which is important when awarding finite institutional resources.

Please Note:

  • Please fill out the CSS Profile by the deadline.
  • If you are seeking only merit scholarships and are not intending to apply for need-based grants or work study consideration, you do not need to complete the CSS PROFILE.
  • Financial aid applicants who submit all requirements by the specified deadlines and are accepted for admission under Early Decision or Regular Decision will view their financial aid eligibility letter (now called the College Financing Plan, or CFP) online at the same time the admission decisions are released on the applicant’s admission portal.
  • As a reminder, financial aid recipients must reapply for financial aid each academic year.
  • To assist you further,  please go to International Student Frequently Asked Questions.


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