Why Lafayette?
Two years ago I moved to the United States and to make my parents proud. Life in America did not start easily as I had to adapt to a new language and assimilate into the American lifestyle. I went through tutoring classes to enhance my English. Within a few months, I transformed from being a “boy” to becoming a persistent and versatile young man.
During a visit to my school, Taaha Mohamedali, senior assistant director of Admissions, shared his life story with us and his experience as a Leopard. He told us about the opportunities that present themselves in a selective school like Lafayette, and how his relationship with faculty helped him sail through. This showed that faculty members really do care about the wellbeing of students, and made me realize that this is the kind of environment I want to be in.
When did Lafayette become your first choice?
When I attended Our Beloved Community in November. The program gave me the opportunity to openly talk about social justice issues that we experience in our everyday lives; issues that are never talked about because they are seen as less important, issues that get brushed away because they make people feel uncomfortable. It made me realize that Lafayette College is not one of those schools that tries to hide social justice issues, but rather encourages their students to know about these issues because they really do matter.
What are you most excited about?
I am excited about being a part of a community that will support me in all my endeavors. Through my research, I found out about the amazing atmosphere on campus when Lafayette plays major rival Lehigh University and I am certainly looking forward to experience that football game for the first time. Finally, I love to meet new people so I am super excited about meeting my peers from all over the world. I know it is going to be an amazing experience for me. I cannot wait to get impacted by the Cur Non spirit.
What clubs or organizations do you plan on joining?
I will most likely join student government and also some religious-affiliated groups.
What three words describe how you feel about being a member of the Class of ’20?
Excited, Accomplished and Emotional